Friday, November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving Week

On Thursday, student's came home with their district fact tests. These tests are reflected on their report cards. In order for a child to receive a "Yes", stating that they met their fact expectations, they needed to complete 20 problems in a minute. Students need to show 95% accuracy in addition, subtraction, and multiplication and 85% accuracy in division. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the tests that were sent home.

On Monday, students will come home with a note asking for parent volunteers to continue our Summit School tradition of making German Stars. Volunteers must be available during a training session time and the time that we will be folding the stars. Please view the green note that will be coming home on Monday for more details.

Next week will be a short week due to Thanksgiving. Just a reminder, school will be closed on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

I hope your days off are spent together as a family and your stomach's are filled with yummy food! This holiday season I am thankful for 26 wonderful students and their supportive families.

Friday, November 15, 2013

November 18th

Few Reminders For the Week of November 18th

Things will start to get back to "normal" this week, after two weeks of WKCE testing. Thank you for helping your child prepare for these tests!

Word Study is back is session this week! Students will be receiving their weekly sorts on Monday followed by a spell check on Friday.  Please help in reminding them to complete their nightly homework, especially explaining their blind sorts on Wednesday.  Notebooks are due to school on Thursday.

Madison field trip forms are due to school on November 22nd.  As a reminder, the district has switched to an online payment system this year.  Please be sure to visit your family access account to pay for your child's trip. However, the yellow permission slip should be turned in to school. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Week of November 11th

- Reading Reminder: Students should continue to turn in their reader's notebooks when they finish their fiction chapter books. At school, we are focusing on nonfiction skills, but at home students should continue to practice their fiction skills by reading just right chapter books and jotting their thinking. Reminders of ways to jot are stapled to the front cover of their notebooks and their grading requirements are stapled to the back. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued literacy support.

- Students will not receive a new spelling sort this week. Students have been working so hard to prepare for the WKCE we thought we would reward them with a little less homework this week. They deserve it!

- Math fact tests should be signed and returned before the next Wednesday's math fact test.

- Unit 3 math test will be on Friday the 8th. Students have been working hard to practice their multiplication skills as this was the main focus of you the unit. Other skills that will be tested are, in and out boxes, elapsed time, open number sentences, story problems, and naming multiples and factors of numbers. Look for review packets to come home on Wednesday.

WKCE Testing Schedule for this week:

Tuesday, November 12th
Math Session 3- 10:30-11

Wednesday, November 13th
Science- 10:30-11:10

Thursday, November 14th
Language 10:30-11:00
Break 11-11:10
Writing 11:10-11:40

Friday, November 15th
Social Studies 10:30 - 11:10

Family Fun Event:
Looking for a FREE family fun event? Time Warner Cable is sponsoring an event at Discovery World with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) inspired exhibits. Check out the link for more details. Sounds like fun to me, and the event has the perfect price... FREE!!!

At the beginning of the school year I filled out a grant on the Donors Choose website that was fully funded by US Cellular. The project that I asked to have funded provided our classroom with two Google Chromebooks. The students and I are extremely excited to get to use these Google App laptops. So far we have enjoyed using them to practice our math facts during math workshop. I look forward to working with them in the future during writing and science. Technology can open up so many doors in education! I hope to promote more project ideas on this the Donors Choose website. If you have not heard of this website before, I think it is worth checking out!

Thank you  to US Cellular for funding this project!



Friday, November 1, 2013

Week of November 4th

Thank you for reminding your child to bring in a flashlight on Thursday. We had a blast writing spooky stories in the dark! It was a great opportunity to see their creative minds work, we may have some thriller writers in our future! We also enjoyed a little bit of flashlight reading during our independent reading time. This could be a fun family activity especially on dreary days like Thursday!

On Monday, students will come home with the latest book order. There are numerous great book choices! Some books that I highly recommend in this order: Mysteries According to Humphrey, Swindle series, the National Geographic nonfiction books, and the I Survived series.

WKCE starts this week!

Students will begin their WKCE testing this week. Students will be tested on reading and math. It is important that students come to school well rested and have had a hearty breakfast. The testing schedule is as follows:

Tuesday, November 5th:
10:15-10:30 Test Introduction
10:30-11:10 Reading Session 1
11:10-11:25 Break
11:25-12:05 Reading Session 2

Wednesday, November 6th:
10:30-11:10 Reading Session 3

Thursday, November 7th:
10:30-10:55 Math Session 1
10:55-11:05 Break
11:05-11:35 Math Session 2

Please let me know if you have any questions. As you can imagine our schedule will be very different and nightly homework assignments may also be different too.

On Friday, students came home with a note regarding Artsonia. This allows you to share your child's artwork with family members. The quarter size sheet provides you with a log-in and password to view and share your child's artwork.

Packer (or Bears) Spirit Day on Monday! Students are encouraged to wear their team spirit colors on Monday to celebrate the great team rivalry that will be displayed during the Monday Night Football game.

Go Pack Go!