Friday, October 11, 2013

Week of October 13th

On Friday, we were fortunate enough to be able to have some players from the Cooney Football team read to us. We joined Mrs. Ganser's class as they read a silly book, Fox in Love, and talked to us about their reading and personal lives. Go Oconomowoc!

The Book Fair is here! As a class, we will go to the Book Fair on Tuesday from 1:00-1:20. There are a lot of great selections this year!

Thursday we will have our Unit 2 math test. This test will cover place value, adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers, and analyzing data. Look for review packets to come home at the beginning of the week.

Parent homework reminder: Parents your homework is due on Monday. :) Your child brought home a green form on Wednesday regarding topics to be discussed at conferences. Thank you for taking the time to fill this form out, I want to make sure that we cover all of the topics you would like to discuss in our short time together.

Our Halloween party will be on Thursday, October 24th. Mrs. Antonneau is putting together a fun craft for our class to create during the party. We need your help by sending in two empty toilet paper rolls with your child. You may start to send them in now, but please make sure your child has them by the 24th.