Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week of October 28th

We had a blast at our Halloween party! We played bingo, created our spooktacular craft, and had many munchies and laughs! Check out all of the great costumes!

On Thursday, we are asking students to bring a flashlight to school to participate in a fun writing activity.

Students will come home with their math fact long on Monday. Just a reminder that students will need to bring their log back on Friday with 30 minutes of documented math fact practice for the week. I will be looking for 30 minutes of math fact practice and parent signatures next to each log-in time.

On Wednesday, students came home with their social studies quiz's. Please make sure they are signed and returned to school.

Word study will return this week! Since we had a week off, please remind students to check that they have completed all assignments correctly based on the homework guideline sheet in their notebooks.

This week we will begin to prepare for the WKCE. On the following website, , you can find access to practice test materials. We will complete some of these at school to help us get ready.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Week of October 21st

Our Halloween Party will be on Thursday, October 24th. Please be sure your child has 2 empty toilet paper rolls so that they are able to participate in our spooktacular craft. Students should bring their costume to school in a bag, we will change into costumes prior to the 10:00 parade. We have early release on this day. Students will end their day at 12:40.

Reading News:

On Monday, we will start our new unit, nonfiction. This will be a great opportunity for students to build on the skills they have already developed as nonfiction readers and add a few more strategies to their reading toolbox. During independent time students will focus on reading nonfiction texts. However, we would still like them to read fiction at home and jot in their readers notebooks. Below is a picture of the expectations for their readers notebooks. As a class we developed and discussed the expectations for each graded level. Students should continue to turn in their reader's notebooks after each chapter book they finish.

Important information for this week:
 - Due to the short week, we will not have word study.

- Look for math tests to come home with your child on Monday. Please sign the sticker in their assignment notebooks stating that you have seen your child's test and discussed it with them.

- On Friday, students brought home their vocabulary words and answer key to help prepare for their quiz on Wednesday. The quiz will have an emphasis on matching the vocabulary terms with their definition.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Week of October 13th

On Friday, we were fortunate enough to be able to have some players from the Cooney Football team read to us. We joined Mrs. Ganser's class as they read a silly book, Fox in Love, and talked to us about their reading and personal lives. Go Oconomowoc!

The Book Fair is here! As a class, we will go to the Book Fair on Tuesday from 1:00-1:20. There are a lot of great selections this year!

Thursday we will have our Unit 2 math test. This test will cover place value, adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers, and analyzing data. Look for review packets to come home at the beginning of the week.

Parent homework reminder: Parents your homework is due on Monday. :) Your child brought home a green form on Wednesday regarding topics to be discussed at conferences. Thank you for taking the time to fill this form out, I want to make sure that we cover all of the topics you would like to discuss in our short time together.

Our Halloween party will be on Thursday, October 24th. Mrs. Antonneau is putting together a fun craft for our class to create during the party. We need your help by sending in two empty toilet paper rolls with your child. You may start to send them in now, but please make sure your child has them by the 24th.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Week of October 7th

Summit School is very excited to welcome our Guest Author, David Shannon, to Summit Elementary School on Tuesday afternoon.  We discussed, read, and shared why we love so many of his books this past week. We practiced our reading strategy of forming theories about characters while we read his book, Alice the Fairy.   What an exciting opportunity for our students to meet one of their favorite authors!
Students were introduced to our district's new keyboarding program on Friday. We will be working on our keyboarding skills two times a week, however to truly solidify these skills and encourage transference, practicing at home is ideal. At school students will use the website, , which can be accessed at home too! Student logins are the same logins they use to get on the computers at school. Additional websites can be found under our "Online Learning Resources tab".
If you have not done so already, take a moment to look over students' science tests that came home last week.  Please sign and return these tests to me.
We had a great start to tracking our thinking in our Reader's Notebooks this week. So far we are off to a pretty good start working to extend our thinking. We will continue this practice for the entire school year adding different strategies to document our thinking as we continue to grow as readers. This work should be done throughout the whole book, not just a final reflection at the end of the book. When students finish their chapter book, they should hand in their notebooks to me. Ask your child to see their work they did in their notebooks this week.

Reminders: Word study notebooks are due to school on Thursdays.  These should be coming back and forth between home and school each night.  Notebooks may or may not be coming home on Thursdays, however their WORDS definitely should!  Spelling tests are always on Fridays.  For a detailed description of the nightly homework expectations, please see the green sheet stapled to the inside back cover of their notebooks. 

Please help remind your students that part of their Wednesday night homework is to write an explanation sentence at the end of each column of their blind sort, stating why the words belong there. As a class we are working towards remembering this important step.

The Book Fair is coming!  Our class will have the opportunity to shop the book fair on October 15th from 1:00-1:20. The book fair is also open late on certain nights if you'd like to join your child during their shopping time!  Please check with the office for specific dates and times.