Just a few updates as we get started with the New Year:
You may be wondering "What in the world is partial product multiplication." This is one method we use to help students learn how to solve multi-digit multiplication problems. We spent the past two days learning how to solve problems this way. Many students thought it was fun! Below is a link of a brave teacher who put herself on youtube showing the method. The way I taught the students is very similar. One thing that she did that I did not do was have them write the equations on the side, however this could be helpful for some students. Next week, students will learn how to solve these types of problems using the traditional method. The idea of teaching them several methods is that students can then use the strategy they find they are the most comfortable and successful with.
How to solve problems using partial products
Reading expectations have now jumped from 25 minutes to 30 minutes. Many students are already reading beyond this requirement which is great! Keep the pages turning!
School Supplies:
Many students are running low on essential school supplies such as pencils, erasers, dry erase markers, etc. Students came home with a supply list on Thursday with highlighted items that they need replenished. Thank you for your help with restocking, it will help make the rest of the year go by smoothly.
Next week we will get back to our normal schedule. Look for students to come home with their new word study sorts, typical math and reading homework.