maternity leave. I thought about our class frequently and missed their smiling faces. Here is a picture of my peanut in her first Brewer's outfit, despite her Father's wishes of Cubs apparel...
We have numerous important events coming up:
WI Program:
All students need to have their costume brought to school in a bag, labeled with their name on, it by this Friday. If you have questions regarding costumes please let me know. Also, all girls need to bring in a dish rag that will be used as a prop during one of our songs.
The Wisconsin Program is at 2:00 on Tuesday, April 15th. Thank you for your help at home to memorize parts and prepare costumes.
Science Trip:
The Monday after spring break, April 28th, we are attending a new field trip to the Schlitz Audubon Nature Center. Thank you for turning in the permission slips promptly. If you have not paid online yet please do so as soon as possible.
We are also able to take two parent volunteers with us. If you are interested in coming with us please let me know. I will be taking volunteers on a first come first serve basis. The cost for adults to attend the trip is $10.
The most important piece of information about this trip: Students need to be to school no later than 8:10am on Monday, April 28th.
Please let me know if you have any questions.