Friday, May 2, 2014

Week of May 5th

Science Trip:
Despite the weather, we had a wonderful time on our trip to the Schlitz Audubon Nature Center! It was great to observe the affects water has on land right here in our state! It is a beautiful center and I highly recommend families visiting when the weather is warmer :) Your child should have brought home a free pass for your family good until May 10, 2015.

Here are some snapshots of our day: (click on the image for a larger view)



Book Order:

Our final book order of the year will come home with students this Friday. Now is a great time to stock up on some summer reads! When you shop online there are even more books to choose from! Our online ordering code is J44M7  Book orders are due Friday, May 9th.

Math Test:

Students will take their unit 9/10 math test on Tuesday. The topics will cover various topics from  units 9 and 10. We have and will continue to prepare and review both units for several days leading up to the test. Some of the topics that will be covered include: adding fractions, changing a decimal to a fraction, changing a fraction to a decimal, lines of symmetry, pattern work, and multiplying and dividing decimals.

All School Field Trip Request:

Usually the third and fourth graders complete a service project by picking the pesky garlic mustard! However, with our weather the garlic mustard plants have not bloomed for picking. Instead, this years service project will be to replace limestone at the tower. There will be a 100 student assembly line getting the rock from the pile to the stairs. To help ease the process of carrying the stone we are looking for plastic gallon ice cream buckets. We need at least 100 buckets to help make this possible! If you have any of these buckets please send them in with your child prior to field trip.

Silver Lake Events:

Monday, May 5th, there is a scavenger hunt and activities at Silver lake for students and families to attend to begin to become familiar with the school.

Check out the summer school catalogue for information regarding a "class" for soon to be fifth graders to attend on August 15th. I have heard great feedback about this event and strongly recommend all fourth graders attend.

Reminders and other important information:
 - Check backpacks for blue note that will come home on Monday regarding information for the Moving on Ceremony. We need your help by sending in photos of your fourth grade for the slideshow. Please see the note for specific information
- Check backpacks for a note regarding our last two field trips of fourth grade. This trip should be paid in cash NOT through family access.
- Wednesday- Early release 1:40 dismissal
- All school field trip is Thursday with rain date on Friday