Your child brought home their reading logs for the first time Friday evening. Students should enter their reading information in their logs each time they read. At this point in the year, students are expected to read a minimum of 25 minutes nightly (Monday-Thursday) and 25 minutes over the weekend (Friday-Sunday). Students are encouraged to jot their thinking on post-its and track their reading in their reading logs. It is important for them to bring their log and book back and forth from home to school so they can read the same book continuously as well as keep their reading information consistent in their log.
Last Call! Summer "Read Like Crazy" reading logs are due on Tuesday, September 11th.
Picture day is on Thursday, September 12th.
To help build our classroom community, we talked about what it means to fill someone's bucket by reading the book, Have You Filled a Bucket Today?, by Carol McCloud. Ask your child what it means to fill a bucket and how to fill someone's bucket.
You fill their bucket everyday!
A link to a digital reading of the book: