Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week of September 30th

Students took their Unit 1 math tests on Wednesday. Your child should have come home with their test on Friday.  Tests can remain at home, however please look for the  sticker in your child's assignment notebooks that parents should sign once they've looked over the test with their child.  Please let me know if you have any questions about the test or  the verification process.
Science Test on Tuesday:  Students came home with their green vocabulary cards on Thursday night.  Please be sure students review these words over the weekend in preparation for their test on Tuesday; vocabulary is a large portion of their Magnetism and Electricity unit test. 
Reader's Notebooks will be coming home with students on Monday.  Below are the expectations:
- Bring between home and school each day (should be kept in reading bags to make this a simple transition)
- Title and author page for each book
- Organized (entries have dates to help monitor progress and time spent on one book.)
- Work should reflect student's own thinking and ideas, not repeating what the author has already shared
- Multiple pages of entries per book
- Thinking is about the whole book (student shows a variety of entries from the beginning, middle, and end of the book)
Inside the front cover of their notebook students will have a sheet that will help remind them of guidelines and display different ways of showing our thinking that we practice daily during our mini lessons. Students have been doing a fantastic job using these strategies with their post-its and are eager to push their thinking further in their notebooks.  
Wednesday is an Early Release Day:  Students will be released at 1:40pm. Lunch will still be served for students.
We had perfect weather and learned an abundant amount of information regarding Wisconsin Agriculture. The Oconomowoc FFA students did a wonderful job teaching our students about machinery, different farm animals, and planting. They had a blast! Enjoy a few photos from our trip!