Next week we will have our first math test. The Unit 1 test will cover concepts of geometry such as drawing and describing rays, lines, line segments, classifying and identifying polygons, and elapsed time. Elapsed time is a challenging skill and we have practiced several times this past week.
The PTO provided all classroom teachers with an Ipad this year for teacher and student use. (Many, many, many thanks to our Summit PTO!) To help practice telling time to the nearest minute and elapsed time, students had the opportunity to work with the wonderful app called "Kids Time Fun". I would recommend this app to families who have access to an Apple device. The degree of difficulty can be adjusted so that it can be helpful for student at all grade levels!
FFA Field Trip: This Wednesday is our first field trip! This field trip is entirely outdoors so students should dress for the weather. Tennis shoes must be worn for the trip! Lunch is not needed as we will be leaving Summit School at 1:00 and returning around 2:30. Fingers crossed for a sunny day!
Fundraising packets went home with students on Thursday. If our class has 50% participation we will win a pizza party! Yummy! The money raised helps the PTO provide students with access to Ipads, Smart boards, lower field trips costs, etc.
Sell! Sell!! Sell!!!